我认为美好的人生是拥有好朋友的人生。特别是女生。她们可以是互相猜忌,暗地里互相争艳,甚至有时就是看对方不顺眼。可是实际上她们的存在是你财政独立以外的另一种精神自主的象征 。因为很多女生绝对是有了男友或老公或两者兼有者就变得没有朋友的。你或许不能像单身时那样把很多时间花在和她们相处上,可是你 不能不晓得这个网络的存在,可以给你一种你男友或老公都不能给你的能量。
而我的那些好朋友都是我 college 时认识的。
艾美丽聪明机警,工作能力很强, 可是不知怎样地偏偏手脚就有点笨拙。她常常不小心就会摔破东西。她最经典的例子是她竟然弄焦了玲玲婚礼的那家酒店的熨衣板。然后又曾经从洗衣机里把她老公的 blackberry 掏出来,让我们不得不惊叹科技的发达。同时间我不得不承认她的运气真的不错,常常中奖,或是赢点小钱。行运次数多得简直让人反感。她是个相当直接的人,不擅于掩饰自己的感情,为人大方。
南西机灵淘气,非常懂得察言观色,同时也很多疑,所以有时她的 sudden remark 会吓倒你。由于有一段时间她负起养家的重担,所以韧性很强,适应能力也很好。她同时敢于发言。曾经因为不满讲师某些言论而跟讲师争论。在那个敦马还不像现 在那么唠叨的年代,南西非常崇拜他。记得那一年大选,各党的海报是铺天盖地的 挂满在各个地方。我经过人行天桥,刚好拾到一张她偶像的塑胶海报。我见四处无 人,把海报塞进书包里。后来便送了给南西。又有一年是玲玲和我在 Borders 碰到 了正在逛街的敦马。我们一起想到了要送一本有敦马签名的书给南西。不用我说,你可以想象当南西知道那签名是敦马时的兴奋。我常常觉得如果她不是选择留在家乡,她会有比现在更大的发挥空间。可是你做梦也不会想到,看似刚强的她,第一志愿其实是成为一个家庭主妇,专攻缝纫和烹饪,副修园艺。
玲玲沉着,不容易敞开心扉,你很难察觉她的心事。她个子最小,声音最小,年龄最小,但是第一个结婚,第一个当妈妈, 第一个成为合伙人。她看似柔弱文静,其实不然。我认为典型的扮猪吃老虎就是这种。她喜欢犒赏自己,是我们的名牌达人,常常为自己的行为合理化,是我们眼中最有潜质成为阔太的。虽然容易紧张,可是常常有些实用的小点子。成为两个孩子的妈以后,变得更豁达和踏实。
她们每一位都漂亮,每一个人都有属于自己的风采。我们也曾经很不要脸的自称是Top Five。我不大记得我们是怎样凑在一起得,可是这么一晃便是十年光景。
我感谢她们曾经陪我一起上课、聊天、旷课、喝茶、购物、看戏、旅行 etc。也曾经在我伤心的时候,给我安慰和支持。
在你已经为工作为生活忙得不可开交,压力大得快要把你压扁的时候,手机如果这时显示出你好朋友的号码,你会突然为之一振。如果她在谈话中告诉你一个你们一样不爽的人的gossip,天啊她简直是你的天使,让你不能忽视一个 gossip 的力量。
你以为你的男友或老公会看得出你的新指甲彩绘,跟你上的季节末大减价时买的名牌包包不是同一个色系,然后你已经半个月没有修剪眉毛,结果因此是你的鞋子并不能衬托出你花了五百元弄的新发型的气质。算了吧,还是向她们咨询当今的时尚,她们对于适合你的风格了如指掌,会给你最安全让你最亮丽的答案 (如果她们愿意 这么做的话)。不要问我为什么既然她们是我的好朋友,怎么她们听起来好像可能会有所保留,after all its a woman issue。
p/s: 这篇文章写于艾美丽得知自己快要当妈妈的下午。谨以这篇文章纪念那一份她跟我分享的喜悦。
I have never met a person as rational but yet affectionate as meow. She is always the wise yardstick among the top five members. At times of having silly thoughts, just take a look into her eyes and the sense of guilt will immerse onto you. She knows that she is the wisest amongst us (I think), and she always stand firm on her decisions despite much persuasion. There is no record of silly misdeed by Meow though I’ve tried hard to recall one (since she has written some about me). One evidence of her wise decision in life was having rented a nice gown for our graduation dinner instead of buying one like all of us have done. I can’t even squeeze in mine now and it is idling in the store room underneath a pile of unwanted clothes.
ReplyDeleteI could never forget accompanying her to a library on the mission to trail her puppy love (though we both believed that he is the love of her life at that point of time). Our mission failed because Meow just hid behind book racks and did nothing except admiring him. I tried to read Meow’s favorite book “My Little Price” once but couldn’t understand why she would go crazy about it. Very often, a single line of greeting, a casual occasion or a story about others could strike her heart and inspired her for weeks. We once flooded a Cineplex while watching an international Chinese movie “My Father and Mother”. I can no longer recall the story and meaning behind the movie but I can bet Meow will still feels touched if I mention to her about the movie.
We have nothing in common except beauty, yeah right… but we shared great experience of life and unforgettable moments. This is the treasure of our friendship.
ReplyDeleteYes yes, and most importantly, NOT shallow. Hehe.. thanks ah leng for the beautifully written post.*sniff sniff*. I remember you have written a lot of good poems.. unlike me ;) Pls post them here, would love to read all of them..I don't mind to use Google Translator haha...
ReplyDeleteLots of love & hugs from LengLeng
Btw: Amily San, omedeto gozaimasu!
fattycat: while i am slowly reading this beautiful essay.. my back is aching . I realised that there is solid reason why we can become best frined as we knew each other so much and loving with each other eventhough we all been apart and busy with our own things.
ReplyDeletei truly need to apologize to all my gals here that i been crazily working until i dont even meeetup or contact you all.
But one things i know that is you all always care about me and i am so happy that blur bluris going to become mama and poing can transfer some babycare bible to her ...
Cheers gal
update! update! update!
ReplyDeleteknowing all the girl friends in the stories make me understand those unspoken words in between the lines of the stories...
ReplyDeleteit reminds me of how long had i not spend time exclusively for my female friends, just doing nothing except shop and gossip.
what do you think will make your life younger? i m inclianed to believe that it's your good girl friends. Don't you think so?